What's like to study Anthropology?

I study anthropology at Universidad de Chile in the Social Science Faculty. I chose this career because I always found the study of human beings and cultures fascinating and necessary. I also envisioned myself in a social career with human contact rather than one surrounded by machines. In addition, my desire to contribute to a change for a better world influenced me as well.   

I am currently in my second year and have not been able to have face-to-face classes since I was accepted into college due to the covid-19 pandemic. For these reasons, I have only had online classes, which is visually exhausting, hard to concentrate, lonely due to not having direct contact with my classmates, and stressful. However, it also has advantages such as being able to watch recorded classes, getting up later and not having to leave the house (at least for me).

I hope the pandemic is over soon so I can see my loved ones and attend college. I would really hate to be forced to study my entire career with an online mode and not be able to know my faculty, my professors, classmates and all the members that are part of the faculty.  Also, I would not like to miss more classes with practical activities and anthropological field trips, nor the regular classes. I want to have the full university experience.


  1. I want the same, I hope this situation ends soon uwu

  2. I have the same feeling, I hope we can meet with our classmates soon!!


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