My Future Job 馃専

I would like to have a job in which I have direct contact with people and can help them. I imagine my job as field research work in which I help to solve the problems of those studied, a job with an interdisciplinary perspective, where I can work on various issues including environmental defense, gender perspective, human rights, among others. I would like to do mainly ethnographic work, that is to say, outdoors, but it is also necessary to do research work indoors. 

Anthropology has so many approaches and topics that it is common to travel for work around the world. Personally, I love to travel so I would love to do it for work. Regarding the salary of an anthropologist, I think it is fine, but what I am concerned about is employability.

My major is anthropology, which I chose because I am very interested in social and human studies. On the other hand, I would like to strengthen my knowledge by majoring in psychology. I am interested in doing another major because I think it would broaden my knowledge and give me new tools to develop my future work.

In these two years of studying anthropology I feel that I have learned a lot and it has opened up my perspective on things, I can't wait to have field work.


  1. anthropology is such an interesting discipline! the research field seems to have a lot of perspectives

  2. So sweet. Having a job to help people, yeah, it sounds like you ♥


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