A country I would like to visit

If I could, I would like to visit many countries, get to know different societies, cultures and biodiversity. Besides, I study anthropology and field trips are important for this profession. I would love to travel through the Amazon region and conduct multiple studies. 

However, if I had to choose only one place to visit I would go to Norway because according to the Human Development Index or HDI, which is developed by the United Nations to measure the progress of a country and shows the standard of living of its inhabitants, indicates that Norwegians have the best quality of life in the world. Also, Norway ranks 6th in GDP per capita and the average salary of its inhabitants is among the highest in the world.

Other antecedents to visit Norway is that it presents a high educational level and has a great natural diversity, which includes mountains, glaciers and deep coastal fjords. Likewise, in this country you can see the Northern Lights and long sunsets.   

If i had the possibility and the resources to travel to Norway i would first go as a tourist, i would tour their land, attractions, festivals (especially the vegan festival), patrimonies and learn about their culture. I would also go to see the Northern Lights and the eternal sunsets. I would stay long enough to fulfill these activities. If I fell in love with the country during that time, and considered all the benefits of living in Norway because of its high development, I would consider doing a master's or doctorate at one of its universities, look for a job or do an anthropological study and look for a place to live, at least for a few years.


  1. How amazing is Norway! I would like to visit it too.

  2. A beautiful country in many ways, so interesting and amazing. I would like to visit too

  3. That's awesome! I didn't know that Norway has beautiful natural places


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